Disclosure & Privacy Policy
Our Disclosure to you and privacy policy is part of our terms and conditions of using this website, workitout.co.nz, outlined below.
Advice: By using this site and submitting your details, you agree not to use any information on this site as advice for ACC Cover Plus or Cover Plus Extra. The advice will come from a registered adviser based in New Zealand qualified to advise on the information you have supplied. The advice can be done via phone or face-to-face meeting. Any advice you receive from recommended advisers and agents are all registered advisers. All adviser’s disclosure documents and FSP numbers are stored on the site, which you can view below.
Your information: We will not share or on-sell your data to another third party other than to give you advice from (the adviser), who will contact you via email or phone.
Age: You must be over 18 to use this site.
Remuneration: The advisors on this site pay a fee to Fly Me High Limited to manage the content and website through a licence and marketing fee per introduction generated from this site. The advisers are paid via a commission from the insurance company should you decide to take out cover plus extra and private cover to lower your levies or for whatever purpose you decide through the advice given by the adviser. You do have the right to ask your adviser for their commission structure and how they are rewarded. You also have the right to obtain a copy of their disclosure statement, which will be provided free of charge. ACC New Zealand does not pay the adviser for their services.
Marketing: We may remarket to you via a cookie tracking code outlined in the Google advertising guidelines here. This includes Facebook advertising, which is outlined here. We may also communicate with you via email from time to time.
This website has done its best to ensure its content is up-to-date and accurate. We do not give any warrants or guarantees on any claims made and shall not be held responsible for any damages or loss that may occur. We are not an insurance company affiliated with ACC New Zealand.
The information displayed from your assessment is only to give you an overview of your situation and see what type of advice you need. Cover Plus Extra is a very complex policy type. When combined with private cover, you may dial back your levies or dial up your levies with ACC New Zealand to give you more coverage. This should only be done with advice. And this is the purpose of the site is to put you in touch with an adviser that knows all about Cover Plus Extra for self-employed people. The adviser can also help you with your CU Code (BIC CODE) that the IRD New Zealand may have allocated to you by default. Having the correct CU Code is important as the amount of levy you pay each year is determined by your CU Code.
By submitting your details, you agree to an adviser calling you to obtain further information to enable them to give you a complete statement of advice and recommendations on policy type and costs.
Website Ownership/Licence & Advice
This website is managed by Fly Me High Limited under a licence/agreement with the adviser. The adviser is granted a 30-day licence to use and occupy this website, including all content and electronic communications, including SMS and email.
The licence holders provide advice from enquiries via the website (via email, appointment, or phone). There are a limited number of licence holders, and each holder must be a registered FSP.
Each adviser agrees to pay a fixed fee per enquiry generated from this site (which includes their license). All advisers, contracts are listed below, including the Scope of Services they offer.
Fly Me High Limited does not give advice.
Current members who have a license to use this site and give advice on ACC Cover Plus Extra or Cover Plus are:
Enva Financial Limited FSP1006848 – View Disclosure and Agreement
How to view an adviser’s FSP number with the New Zealand Companies Office
- Click here: https://fsp-register.companiesoffice.govt.nz/
- Click the link to ‘search for financial services provider’.
- Enter the FSP number of the adviser.
This will display their details which correlate with the agreements, scope of services/disclosure documents above.
Any advice you receive will be from one of these registered advisers. The information supplied on this site has been authorised by the advisers listed above, which includes the content, logos, and all images.
Any content on this site should only be taken as advice once your FSP completes a full needs analysis. Any phone calls received by Fly Me High Limited staff, or this website should not be taken as advice.
The content and Articles provided have been approved by the licence holders (advisers)
Website Ownership
This website www.workitout.co.nz is owned by Fly Me High Limited (the company) Fly Me High Limited and its employees do not deal with ACC New Zealand or private insurance agencies.